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About us

Millette Studio is a collaborative art focused business run through our home in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where we make and sell high-fired pottery, paintings, prints and custom frames.

Anthony Millette is a potter, carpenter, and ceramic shop assistant who believes in the beauty of handmade objects. Anthony graduated in 2008 from the University of South Dakota where he received a BFA in ceramics along with a minor in Business Administration. He then moved to Sioux Falls and spent most of the following decade as an independent contractor. In the spring of 2017, Anthony secured a quantity of firebrick and over the next three months built his own kiln. Much of his time since has been spent converting alumina and silica into functional art.

Darcy Millette is a 2007 BFA Painting graduate from the University of South Dakota. Her creative practice includes mixed media paintings that combine drawing and painting to create a layered nuanced space that bridges the observation of the representational world with the unknown abstract spiritual world. Darcy’s attention to gardening and the cycles of growth and decomposition speak to the history of still-life painting.

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